Yelp vs. Google Maps

February 14, 2022

Yelp or Google Maps, which one is better?

When it comes to finding a great restaurant, coffee shop, or any other local business, Yelp and Google Maps are two of the most popular options available. Both apps allow users to search for businesses, read reviews, view pictures, and get directions. But which one is better?

In this comparative article, we’ll look at how Yelp and Google Maps stack up against each other in terms of UI, features, and reviews.


The user interface of an app is essential to its usability, and both Yelp and Google Maps have unique designs. Yelp has a yellow and black color scheme, and Google Maps have a blue and white color scheme.

Yelp's interface is more community-centric, with a lot of information about local events and promotions. Google Maps' UI is more focused on navigation and providing clean and concise information.

In terms of search results presentation, Yelp shows more details and more images than Google Maps. Yelp also displays ratings in half-star increments, compared to Google Maps’ whole-star increment.


Both apps have similar features, but with some differences. Yelp has an option to filter results by many features such as price range, delivery service, and wheelchair accessibility.

On the other hand, Google Maps can calculate estimated travel time and distance with different modes of transportation such as driving, walking, cycling and public transportation. It also shows live traffic and weather updates.


Reviews are the most critical part of any business's online presence. Both Yelp and Google Maps prioritize reviews, but they have different approaches.

Yelp claims to have more than 250 million reviews and shows them prominently in search results. It has a dedicated section for the Most Reviewed businesses, which is helpful when trying out new spots in the city.

Google Maps uses a different approach by gathering reviews from across the web, not just from its platform. It also uses Artificial Intelligence to sort the reviews based on factors such as relevance and recency, which can be helpful for decision-making.

However, both platforms have received criticism for fake reviews, which significantly impacts the user experience.


In conclusion, choosing between Yelp and Google Maps will depend on the needs of the user. If you prefer a community-centric platform with an extensive review system, Yelp may be the way to go. If you need more navigation and travel options while still having access to reviews, Google Maps could be a better option.

In the end, both platforms offer their unique touch to help users discover and explore their surroundings.


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